Student Work

Our students are regularly producing innovative content. See where you can jump in.

Student carries a camera while talking to a woman.


Our students are making contributions across the globe

From study abroad trips to in-depth reports across the United States, our students are on the ground, sharing the experiences of those affected by significant events like war and natural disasters. They are committed to storytelling that informs and resonates with audiences, bringing attention to global and local issues through their insightful and impactful work. Their dedication and creativity are evident in the compelling content they produce, highlighting the human stories behind the headlines.

A group of students pose for a photo in a classroom.

National Student Advertising Competition

Each spring, a group of students collaborates with Professor Chris Sparks on the National Student Advertising Competition (NSAC) through the American Advertising Federation. This premier college advertising competition offers over 2,000 college students the opportunity to gain real-world experience by developing a corporate client's strategic advertising, marketing, and media campaign. In 2024, the Ole Miss team created a campaign for Tide.

Rising Tides and Temperatures

Rising Tides and Temperatures

In collaboration with Mississippi State University, journalism and IMC students teamed up to tell the stories of the people whose lives and livelihoods are affected by the effects of shifting weather patterns on farms, communities, industries and government institutions in the state.

Front copies of Square Magazine issues.

Square Magazine

Square Magazine is the first student-run fashion magazine at The University of Mississippi. This publication has created an opportunity where students can get hands-on experience working in editorial, digital design, writing, and many other applications that go into a magazine. Students from any year and/or area of study work together to create the publication. We’re a talented group of creative students at Ole Miss who are passionate about journalism, fashion, design, and everything in between. Past issues can be found here.

Illustration of a prescription bottle with marijuana leaves inside.

Marijuana, Good Medicine?

Legalizing the use of medical cannabis is a remarkable turn of events in a state as culturally, economically and politically conservative as Mississippi. In this report, University of Mississippi student journalists investigate the impact on patients, practitioners and entrepreneurs.

Illustration of the state of Mississippi with clouds, water, a car, lightning bolt, temperature gauge.

Mississippi Climate Report

In collaboration with the University of Nebraska, SOJNM students covered how, at the time, Mississippi governors and Legislature ignored the topic of climate change and how the state’s science, industrial, agricultural and energy sectors, however, have been working to address change being experienced, and devising strategies to confront the change to come. 

Mississippi Health Divide

Mississippi Health Divide

A project by students in Journalism 590: Multimedia Storytelling in the fall of 2021, this depth report takes a look at the healthcare system in Mississippi.