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School of Journalism and New Media
University of Mississippi

11 Tips for a Successful Registration at the University of Mississippi School of Journalism and New Media

Posted on: April 11th, 2021 by ldrucker


11 Tips for a Successful Registration


1. Familiarize yourself with your degree requirements/course requirements.

2. Be aware of course prerequisites to ensure you will be able to take a course. You can check prerequisite requirements by searching the course at

3. To get tips on searching the course schedule, please click here.

4. Be sure to have parallel courses in your favorites in case a course is closed by the time your registration window opens.

5. But, remember, you can’t register until all of your holds have been lifted. So, hustle and any holds you may have cleared as quickly as you can!  

A green pencil checks the checklist.

6. The holds that many students dismiss are the advisor hold (all currently enrolled students) and the dean’s hold (usually only for seniors).  You can check to see if you have any holds and also see when your window opens in your MyOleMiss Student tab. Click on the ‘+’ and go from there! If you haven’t made an appointment with your advisor, please do so as soon as you can. (If you are a senior who is graduating in MAY and will not need courses this Summer, you do not have to get the advisor hold lifted.)

7. When your registration window opens, add courses to your schedule ONE AT A TIME.  This will help to more clearly identify if/when there is an issue. However, there may be some courses that you MUST add to your schedule at the same time  (i.e. Jour 270 and Jour 271).

8. If you are not a student attending one of the regional campuses, DO NOT add courses that are designated Tupelo, Desoto, Booneville or Grenada unless you are fully prepared to drive almost an hour away from Oxford to attend classes that are scheduled to meet face-to-face.

9. If you are currently enrolled in development studies courses (DS 094-099), you must add those to your Fall schedule before adding any other courses. Once you successfully complete the course(s) this semester, you can remove them from your Fall schedule.

10. Check (and double-check) to ensure the courses you plan to add do not have times that overlap/conflict with each other. (Refer to tip #7).

11. Be patient, both with yourself and the system. With so many people trying to register, the system’s response time might be slower than usual.

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